OccMed For DC's Announces New CRL National Contract!
Effective March 1, 2019 OccMed For DC's now has a National Network Contract with Clinical Reference Laboratory (CRL) for Urine Drug Testing, and MRO Services. You can download the contract at our website. Clicking the link in the Members Section. National Contracted Services are for MEMBERS ONLY! If you want to particiapate in Occ Med For DC's National Network. Contact us here! https://www.weebly.com/editor/main.php#/ James Raker, DC Wayne Hebert, DC, FACO
“New Hamshire Board of Chiropractic Examiners Endorses Chiropractic Occupational Health Services”1/21/2019 https://www.oplc.nh.gov/chiropractic/
Welcome to the Board of Chiropractic Examiners. The New Hampshire Board of Chiropractic Examiners regulates and licenses the chiropractic profession in the state of New Hampshire. The Board's mission is the protection of the public as well as the licensing and regulation of the chiropractic profession. The Board of Chiropractic Examiners is a five-member board consisting of four Doctors of Chiropractic and one Public Member appointed by the Governor for five-year terms. The Board of Chiropractic is responsible for assuring that applicants are qualified to practice in the state of New Hampshire and that they adhere to professional and ethical standards once they are licensed. The chiropractic profession in the state of New Hampshire is regulated by RSA 316-A and the Board's Administrative Rules. Complaint investigations are conducted by the Board's Professional Conduct Committee consisting of experienced licensed Doctors of Chiropractic. Chiropractic is a branch of the healthcare profession that emphasizes the body's innate healing ability and the role of the nervous system in the achievement and maintenance of health. It is a portal of entry to the healthcare community. Chiropractors utilize many therapeutic modalities including spinal manipulation or adjustment, physiological modalities including electrotherapies, ultrasound, and traction among others. They also use rehabilitative exercise, nutritional and lifestyle counseling, as well as other therapeutic and preventative approaches. Doctors of Chiropractic provide health care services in a variety of settings including occupational health and sports medicine practices. Today's modern Doctor of Chiropractic enjoys good working relations with other healthcare providers, referring and receiving referrals and, when appropriate, with medical specialists, physical therapists, and other health care professionals. Contact NH Board of Chiropractic Examiners 121 South Fruit Street, Suite 303 Concord, NH 03301 [email protected] Michelle Thibeault Administrator I (603) 271-6745 (603) 271-6702 (fax) [email protected] It’s January 21st, 2019, and we have asked OccMed Member doctors practicing throughout the United States to report in and give us a 2018 economic report on their success in providing services for occupational health-related services. Dr. Maples called first thanking us for getting him into OccMed; he reported a $200,000 year, and all of it CASH from businesses needing this OSHA mandated service. Maria Paesano, MA in Corpus Christi, Texas reports that her business is thriving and she just landed a $250,000 contract with a local business; she called to thank me for selling her Four Star Health and Safety! YOUR WELCOME! It’s at this point I am supposed to say, “These doctors income are not typical, and are an aberration.” The truth is, we hear this every day! Doctors who struggled in practice for years are finally putting into practice what we have taught them. Dr. Markum took the Occmed for DC’s course in Dallas back in the fall, and he reports he already has several businesses requesting his occupational service. We laughed over the phone together as he said: “I didn’t think it would be this easy to get business, but its true these businesses are desperate to find good quality occupational health services.” I spoke to two doctors today, one from Florida, and another from South Texas, both in a panic on business prospects CALLING THEM to provide occupational services after the word got out that they were now trained, and certified to perform this work.
It was just a typical Monday, not that different than any other day, Chiropractors, calling in asking for help on how to handle all the business coming in their door. We have told our member doctors over and over again, and it is still true. “Be ready for the flood, because when you turn the OccMed Switch ON, the business will come.” But you know the most rewarding fact is not the money these Chiropractors are earning. The most important part of Occupational Health Services is that many of the employees need Chiropractic care and now know where to find one. If you dare to learn something new and want the satisfaction, you can pay off your school loans, and be a provider for your family, Its time to get your CE hours at a seminar that will educate you on OccMed and MAKE YOU MONEY, instead of costing you money. We are coming to a city near you! Orlando, FL. March 30th and 31st, Houston, TX June 22nd and 23rd, San Diego, CA July 20th and 21st, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina August 3rd and 4th, St. Louis, MO. September 21st and 22nd, Pittsburgh or Philadelphia, October 19th and 20th. Click the link, and let's get you signed up! NOW GET BUSY OR GO HOME! Wayne Hebert, DC, FACO OccMedForDC’s Marketing Coordinator Wayne Hebert, DC, FACO
Having been in practice in Texas for over 30 years, I have seen a never ending fight to get new patients. It has become a losing battle for many Chiropractors as HMO/PPO limited participation, and Insurance companies controlling the flow of patients through the PCP have shut down their practice. In most states there is NOT an open and fair healthcare market and it gets worse every year. Over the past 5 years we have seen the consequences of the medical model of “Drugs First”, and the explosion of the Opiod crisis in America. Many times I have said “If only I could get people through my doors to see the services I provide, I could help patients that don’t want or need pain medications.” The Problem? Palmer Chiropractic Published a report, "Chiropractic Care in the U.S. is still only 12%", When does a patient think of Chiropractic, when he is in pain and his lifestyle is affected by that back condition. Thousands of people drive by your office everyday, and never think about a Chiropractor until they need one. But what if you could expose hundreds of people to your office, your staff, and the services you provide? What if I told you businesses are willing to PAY YOU, for marketing to their employees? THE SOLUTION! OccMed! It’s true, providing Occupational Health Services in your Chiropractic practice is the answer to your new patients. Think about it, you’re going to provide OccMed Services for 100 people from 5 different business this week. Not all of these clients need Chiropractic Care, but let say that 12% or 12 out of 100 become new patients? ARE YOU SEEING THE PICTURE NOW? These “Clients or Employees” are required by law to have drug & alcohol testing, X-ray, and Pulmonary Function Testing, many of which have never seen a Chiropractic Office, and they will be asking a lot of questions! I was in a car accident last week, will this neck pain go away on its own? My wife is having migraine headaches, can you help her? I use to see a Chiropractor when I lived in California, can I see you here while I’m working at this job site? This is your chance not only to earn extra money in Occupational Health Evaluation Services, but also a STEADY FLOW OF PATIENTS NEEDING YOUR CARE! Dr. Raker and I are dedicated to making sure you are a success in practice. However, you have to take the step and learn something new. Pay off that school debt, contribute to your children's college fund, and build your dream retirement plan. Still Dont Believe Me? Click the "OccMed Money Earned" and find out for yourself! OccMed For DC’s, Wayne Hebert, Director of Marketing. ![]() Fellow DC’s 2019 brings a new year with new hope of prosperity and change. Truly there has never been a better time to be a Doctor of Chiropractic. With companies being mandated to buy services which DC’s can provide in ALL 50 states, there are 11 Billion dollars for services in Occupational Health Evaluation Service. No one told you in school that the physical exam skills you learned could be applied in an Occupational setting did they? Or that the things you learned about lab tests, pulmonary function testing, simple vision testing with the Snellen eye chart, or hearing testing with the ear muffs that you had done when you were a child, were all Occupational tests which many companies are mandated to do by the government, and they pay CASH to get it done, and DC’s can do most these services in most the states. Does MANDATED PAYMENT OF CASH INCOME OF $20,000 TO $500,000 help any DC see the light that they should work with and be a partner of the industry to get ahead? How about being made the company doctor, to have a company send every single injured worker to you? How’s that for clout, respect, a partnership with Corporate America? Isn’t that what every DC wants as they wonder; “ Why doesn’t everyone know that they should send their injured workers to us chiro’s to get the best care?” It’s because you haven’t provided the things that companies need by mandate, to get “in the door” and be part of the team. Theydon’t know what you can do, because frankly you haven’t stepped up to the plate and offered them enough services to get their attention. THEY DON’T KNOW WHAT WE DO!! I can teach you about 12 services that companies have to pay cash for, and once they know you can do them many times leads to you taking over the ownership of being the company doctor for all their injuries, AND doing their WELLNESS programs. BUT you have to know enough and be able to get started with the payable services before they will trust you and let you do their injuries or wellness programs. IT IS A TRUST ISSUE. Learn the rules of the game. It’s easier to convince one company person to send you 100 or 1000 people than to have to convince 100 or 1000 people to come to you. Dr. Jim Raker Reprint post from occmedfordcseminars
Greetings, My name is Dr. Steve Knoernschild and I am a licensed chiropractic physician in the state of Illinois. I have been a chiropractor for 17 years and a certified DOT medical examiner for 2 1/2 years. After getting my CME certification, I was excited to use certain aspects of my chiropractic education that I had not been using as a chiropractor. I just felt the need to broaden my practice. I had heard about the CME certification and that our country was facing a shortage of doctors who could do these DOT physicals. Common sense told me to go for it! I knew it would be a cash business. No dealing with insurance companies, no paying billing companies, and these patients WILL show up for their appointments! This is their livelihood. The reason I chose to go to Dr. Raker’s seminar was this… I wanted not only to understand how to market and perform DOT physicals better; I wanted to learn more about how to market and perform Non-DOT services as well. The Non-DOT branch is by far larger than the DOT branch. There are so many opportunities in both branches to keep your practice very busy, BUT to do this, you must learn how to bring in this business and know what kind of testing you can and cannot perform in your office. This is what Dr. Raker will show how to do. His very informative weekend seminar will give you all the nuts and bolts on how to start up and run a very successful DOT and non-DOT practice on top of your chiropractic practice. Dr. Raker keeps his seminar fun and exciting, and he allows questions and open discussion throughout the duration. You feel like part of a family. The investment in his course will pay off many, many times over. I can’t tell you how excited I am about the future! I don’t have to worry about insurance companies sending checks in the mail two months past the day of treatment, or getting denials. My bread and butter is now my DOT work. I love my chiropractic patients, of course, but I also love my drivers as well. Trucking companies and self-employed drivers love to see a chiropractor for these services. They know we will take our time with their physical and make sure to answer all of their questions and concerns, unlike the medical offices. I hear this from drivers all of the time! So open your mind to this type of work in your office. It is a great supplement to your chiropractic practice, and even can keep you busy fulltime if you work hard at it! You will not be sorry, BUT make sure you take Dr. Raker’s weekend course to be successful. I promise you it will be the best investment you will have made in your practice. Dr. Raker is a wonderful doctor and lecturer. He will not let you down. I think you are crazy not to take this course after working so hard for the certification. There are many drivers that need you in your area. Don’t wait any longer! Go for it! Call me anytime if you want a reference. Thanks for your time! Sincerely, Dr. Knoernschild. 500 S. Illinois St., Suite 4 Millstadt, IL 62260 {618) 476-3344 [email protected] www.millstadtfamilychiropractic.com https://www.chiroeco.com/on-the-road-again-occupational-medicine/ James Raker, DC, FADP, CME [email protected] https://www.occmedfordcs.com Chiropractic Economics 2015,Chiorpractic Business Tips, Issue-15-2-15, Magazine Issues September 24, 2015 Occupational medicine encompasses any services concerned with the safety and well-being of workers. The government requires that these services be done to protect employees, and the care is paid for by companies or select individuals with no insurance involved.
This type of work is available to DCs even in small towns. It brings with it a certain prestige, and once you’ve earned a solid reputation, the companies you serve with occupational medicine will eventually ask you to be their company doctor for work injuries. Chiropractors—are you listening yet? When you offer occupational medicine, you put yourself in the driver’s seat where you can keep expanding the range of your services. You might get paid cash to answer the phone when someone gets injured just to tell the employer whether it’s a problem you want to handle, or if it warrants a visit to the local emergency room. As a reference, I get paid $100 to answer the phone, and if it’s after hours, I get paid $750 to check out an injury (even if I don’t treat it). Mining for gold Many jobs require a physical exam to ensure employees can do a job without injuring themselves or others. Truck drivers are required to get a physical every one to two years. The purpose is to ensure they are eligible to operate a large vehicle without harming themselves or the millions of other passengers on the road. The federal government gave chiropractors a golden egg for the first time in history by allowing them to participate in these evaluations despite the objection of the American Medical Association. The other jewel that comes with administering Department of Transportation (DOT) physicals is this: Prior to May 2014, every MD, DO, NP, PA, and DC could sign off on a truck driver physical. That means there were more than 800,000 healthcare providers that could do the work. As of May of 2014, to do these physicals, a provider has to take a 12-hour certification course and pass a test. The number of certified providers now stands at only around 60,000 for the entire country. The available work is funneled to the providers who are certified. There are approximately 14 million drivers, so $40 to $100 per physical equates to $560 million to $1.4 billion in revenue. Truck drivers are also tested randomly for drug and alcohol use. Other jobs require physicals to test for problems such as colorblindness if an employee will have to decipher color codes, e.g., certain electrical components. Many physicals require not only visual acuity but hearing acuity and lung capacity (painters or fire fighters who wear respirators). Workers’ hearing also has to be protected in loud environments to prevent loss, and the government mandates annual hearing testing based on safety rules. There are mandates for heavy-metals testing to protect workers from toxin exposure as well. In all, there are about 12 services that DCs in most states can provide. Some require further training or certification, and others do not. Let’s look at the simpler services. Easy add-ons Ordering blood work and running heavy-metals panels at a lab does not require extra certification. Any DC whose current scope of practice allows lab work can do this. The best thing about heavy-metals testing is that you don’t have to draw the blood at your office. You can have the patient walk into a local lab (or even a local medical clinic you hire), and that operation will draw the blood and send you the results. Your job is to report back to the employer that the worker is in the normal range or not. If you identify a problem, you inform the company that the employee needs to be moved from any areas of exposure and retested monthly until toxin levels are back to normal. Extremely high toxin levels would prompt you to refer the employee to a specialist for chelation therapy with the goal of removing the heavy metals from the body. But you get paid to monitor the safety and well-being of all the employees. It’s as easy as ordering the blood draw; reading the results as normal, slightly above normal, or much higher than normal; and reporting those results back to the employer. You get paid about $100 to $200 to do this work. Many tests in non-DOT-related industries also do not require certification. Services including physicals, drug testing, DNA testing, alcohol testing, vision testing (vision acuity by Snellen chart, color with an Ishihara book) for non-DOT-related work can be provided without additional certification. What will the financial impact on your business be? Well, you can contract with a company to do whatever work it needs on a pay-immediately basis or at least within 30 days of invoice. Say a company has 300 workers, and it wants to drug test 10 percent randomly every month. That’s 30 drug screens at around $30 to $60 (depending on your area of the country), which is $900 to $1,800 of income in about three hours. What’s more, a well-trained staff member can provide most evaluations (except physicals) without your direct supervision. So you can have one of your employees visit a company, do the work, and bring you back a check even when you’re on vacation. Many companies want several services accomplished when you or your staff shows up. If a company wants drug and alcohol tests done at the same time, you can bill for both. And if they want the work performed monthly, it’s a steady stream of income. Opportunities for occupational medicine abound with local businesses, government agencies (city, police, fire), state agencies (e.g., child protective services), and federal agencies (e.g., Army depot workers). So no matter where you are, there’s work to be done. Don’t let someone else be the one to fill the void. DOT Physicals, How do you market to trucking companies, and why aren't you Doing other services?1/3/2019 1. How do you market to truck drivers or the companies they work for?
2. How do you earn additional income other than just the “DOT Physical?" 3. How can you use your Certified Medical Examiners (CME) certification to get you new business and occupational services? 4. How can you make $35 or more for a drug screen collection instead of $10 or $20? My name is Dr. James Raker, I am a Chiropractic Physician, a certified DOT Medical Examiner like yourself and have practiced in Texarkana, Arkansas for 23 years. About 18 years ago, a patient brought in a DOT physical form and asked me if I could fill it out. I did, and now, I’m posting over $200K in extra business a year doing DOT physicals, drug screens and other related services for which I’m paid directly by the companies. The beauty of it is, my trained assistants do most of the work with only a few moments of my time at most on any given day. Doing DOT physicals is a good and necessary first step into Occupational Medicine “OccMed,” but you are only participating in 1/10 of the market if that’s all you do. I can show you how to do services for thousands of dollars a day, instead of hundreds a day. I can show you several checks for over $10,000 and two checks for over $20,000. You can make that money doing DOT physicals, but let me show you how to expand occupational health services above just doing DOT physicals and drug screens. Feel Free to contact me with any questions you have! Jim Raker, DC
OccMed is all about the Safety and Wellness of corporate employees, which is a tenant of chiropractic and should be practiced by all DC’s. However, instead of convincing one patient at a time, with OccMed you only have to convince one company leader, and he now mandates all workers to go thru you for these safety and wellness tests. As they do, you have the chance to talk to them about chiropractic care, while screening them for all the mandated health assessments several of which specifically target spine related problems. This is a 33 Billion dollar industry which treats DC’s equal to any other medical provider. Why wouldn’t you want to participate? Some of the services cost nothing for you to start doing. Others need additional equipment, but the equipment costs far less than say an adjusting table or x-ray machine. How many services can you do in a day? I have supervised 500 drug screens in a day at $20 each, or 80 employees for hearing $30/drug $40/PFT $40/Fit testing $40 ($150 total for each) all in one day. Prices per employee can range from $20 to $1000 each, and each company does this over and over. Some tests are monthly, some are yearly, but the companies are mandated by the government to do them. City’s, County’s, State, and the Federal government also allocate this work, such as exams for police and correctional officers, firemen, emergency rescuers, etc…. so there is occupational work in every city in the country. ALL DC’s SHOULD KNOW HOW TO DO THIS AND WORK WITHIN CORPORATE AMERICA. James Raker DC Occupational Medicine Health Evaluation Training for Chiropractors, and Chiropractic Staff.1/2/2019 This website is dedicated to providing professional level education on how to perform occupational medicine and health evaluation services for your private practice. It’s our goal at "OccMed for DC’s" to provide the Chiropractic Physician an educational foundation to successfully build and grow with confidence a business which is needed for companies throughout the United States. This blog is dedicated to providing education and information, and a place where you can comment on your experience in this growing market of healthcare.
Please join us by subscribing to the blog, and getting involved with your comments. Get notifications through our RSS feed. We look forward to serving you! James Raker, DC Wayne Hebert, DC, FACO |
James Raker, DCTeaching DC's occupational health evaluation services for the past 20 years. Wayne Hebert, DC
Marketing Director OccMed For DC's Archives
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